Well, since is my first time to be here I can now post a few flash movies in mind for so long. Finally I can practice about this macromedia stuff that I wanted since on my University levels. Well, this might be my chance to test this baby. :3
Hope you guys are ok, so I'll say hello to everyone as a start.
Hi. Remember me? It's me, Tanooki John. If you need help around here, just let me know ok? Theres some good flash and bad flash here so things here dont run the same as Sheezy so be allert.
ok. I also have a question about it John. Yesterday I submit the Hive Mecha Power remix here, since I'll be deleting my files from sheezy, but the message says that will take like 2 or 3 days until the mods check on my song, since is the first time I upload.
Probably I may need something than just uploading things at the first time. do you have any suggestions about this? :)